Stories of the Macabre by Russell L Burt
Come, let me whisper, words that no man should speak aloud
Their rightful place a page, to be torn from its source
Shredded from existence, At least hidden from light
That only a darker man may read, For flighty society
defines no place, Save that of closets with locks
Clubs without signs, And, of course, their minds
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The End
The Come, Let Me Whisper podcast has come to an end. You can still check out all the horrifying fun you might have missed by using these links:
Today I present I Vampire by James G. Kelly. Be sure to check out his novel The Scarecrow. Thank you, Jim, for providing such a nice take on the vampire genre!
Our narrator was Sean Phipps, podcaster for the Chattanooga Times Free Press. You can get to know him better through his MySpace Page. Thank you Sean! You made quite a convincing vampire... should those of us here in Chattanooga be worried? Seriously, though, great job!
If you'd like the chance to have your short work of horror fiction presented on Whisper Back, simply paste your story into an email and send it to . I hope to hear from you!
As always, you can use the software of your choice to subscribe for free with this address: , or you can listen from right here with this web player:
Many thanks also go out to Chris Gold for doing a wonderful job narrating the story for us. Sweet performance, Chris!
If you'd like the chance to hear your original short work of horror fiction read aloud for all the world to hear, just paste your story into an email and send it to .
Finally, for those of you who might be wondering what's happened to the CLMW episodes lately, I can but say this: It will likely be mid-January before I'm able to return to that portion of the show. I hope you understand, and rest assured I'll still be producing Whisper Back between now and then in hopes of keeping that horror itch of yours scratched.
As always, you can listen through the player below or have each new show automatically delivered. Thank you for listening!
If you'd like a chance to have your story featured in a future episode of Whisper Back, paste your short work of horror fiction into an email and send it to
And just to recap some comments I made in the outro to today's show, first I want to thank those of you who have submitted stories for your patience while awaiting my response. It might take me a bit to get back to you on the story itself, but if you didn't receive an email within a few days to let you know I received the story, then I most likely never received your email- So please try again! Second, I really want to express my gratitude to those of you who have submitted stories that I chose not to include on the show. I know it's tough to step out on a limb like that, and it really makes me incredibly happy to be able to say that you guys have been nothing but cool! Many, many thanks for that.
I hope you'll leave your thoughts and suggestions about the show through the comments section right under the player below. Thanks for your continued support!
Chris, Interrupted is today's story. If you are a new listener, first of all WELCOME, and second of all you might want to check out a couple of these stories before listening to this one, although it isn't strictly necessary:
As I mention on the show, this episode marks the TWO YEAR anniversary of CLMW, and I truly thank you all for listening and giving me so much encouragement over that time! Much love.
If you'd like to share your own short work of horror fiction with the CLMW audience, you can submit your story via email here. I look forward to hearing from you.
Finally, I'd love it if you'd share your thoughts on the show through the comments link below- it's one of the ways I gauge how the show is going and what direction I'd like to take it in. Thank you for listening!
Our story today is Wormtongue by J.J. Keeling. It is narrated by Maia Whitaker. Thank you both for making this such a great episode of Whisper Back!
If you'd like to participate in Whisper Back, just paste your short work of horror fiction into an email and send it here.
Remember, our contributers' only payment for sharing their stories is YOUR feedback. Please share your thoughts through the comments below- or let them know you enjoyed their work at their own sites, whatever works for you. It means more than you might think :-)
Welcome, to the Come, Let Me Whisper podcast. Horror fiction is what you'll find within. The podcast is made up of three segments. Primarily you'll find COME, LET ME WHISPER episodes- that's short fiction written by me. There are also 14 episodes that make up my novel, REVELATIONS. And then there are the WHISPER BACK shows, where YOU can share your own dark works of fiction. Links are below, thank you for listening!