Sunday, November 04, 2007

Whisper Back - The Waiting by James G Kelly

The Waiting is today's creepy story. It was written by James G Kelly, who is the author of the novel THE SCARECROW, available now at Barnes & Noble. Thank you, Jim!

If you'd like to share your own short work of horror fiction with the CLMW audience, you can submit your story via email here. I look forward to hearing from you.

Finally, I'd love it if you'd share your thoughts on the show through the comments link below- it's one of the ways I gauge how the show is going and what direction I'd like to take it in. Thank you for listening!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great gruesome fun! I recently read his novel and it's equally terrifying!

10:08 PM, November 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was an excellent story, thanks to James Kelly & Rl Burt.

11:32 PM, November 04, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

You did an excellent job with the story, Russell. Thanks for putting it on Whisper Back. I hadn't realized just how creepy it is until I heard you reading it. Thanks again,

10:28 PM, November 05, 2007  
Blogger rlburt said...

I'm glad to hear you dug my reading, Jim! It was my pleasure to be afforded the opportunity to present it.


12:17 AM, November 06, 2007  
Blogger Chris said...

Oh very creepy indeed. I think she really took it to the next level as well, not only cannibalism but incestial cannabilism, I mean that is really stretching what the stomach can take.

I loved it!

9:26 AM, November 06, 2007  
Blogger LadyWyllow said...

Truly creepy! Nice work both Russell and Mr Kelly! I got goosebumps, lol.

And just to touch on what you said Russell about possesion being a fear? For some reason mine is doppelgangers.. go figure. Does that stir a story in anyone? I sure hope so :)

Keep em coming and I'll keep listening!

Heather G.

12:34 AM, November 07, 2007  
Blogger rlburt said...

Oooh... I never thought of doing a doppelganger story... great suggestion, Heather. I'll have to let that one stew a while and see what comes to mind.


5:13 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm real sorry to say that it wasn't quite what I expected. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood when I listened to this show.

Lisbon, Portugal

2:41 PM, November 11, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that I loved it. A bit creepy since cannibalism turns my stomach and I usually wont read it. I think it was great and had a nice twist.

I also liked his book. I am hoping I can get a signed copy.

Keep Writting Mr. Kelly.

And keep reading Mr. Burt you do a wonderful job.

10:09 PM, November 18, 2007  
Blogger JJ said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11:15 PM, December 02, 2007  
Blogger JJ said...

Yeah, I concur! It goes along with my old joke that I do like children... deep fried and dipped in chocolate.

Possession is one of my fears, too. But that doppelganger suggestion gets my brain to plowing. All my life, people have been telling me that there's someone here in Nashville that looks just like me. My own father saw her once and nearly turned the car around to ask me why I wasn't at work. How scary is that? I've got to write something about that myself.

I'll have to check out The Scarecrow sometime.

11:21 PM, December 02, 2007  
Blogger Cape Ann Auction said...

Notice to all Russell Burt Fans!

Russell has agreed to do a live interview on my next episode of The Auctionwally show. I, like all of you am a huge fan and am very excited about the show which you can listen to on your computer at

It will air live on Monday evening, March 10th, 2008 at 8pm Eastern time.

Anyone can call in at
1-646-378-1561 to ask Russell questions.
For more information please go to my site at and check the 'upcoming events' section in the sidebar to the right for more details.

Also it would be great if you could link to that post and tell your friends about it.

Thanks I hope to see you all there.

1:33 PM, March 05, 2008  

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